2015-2016 Fellow: Rebecca Hersher | Greenland

Rebecca Hersher started her career in neurobiology before switching to radio. And right away, she proved to be fearless. She trekked nine hours into the Liberian jungle in pursuit of a rumored Ebola case; she embedded with troops in Afghanistan; she shared the unfolding story of a family facing Alzheimer’s disease. So when she pitched us a story from the Arctic center of the suicide epidemic, we knew she was up to the task.

Follow even more of her journey in photos and behind the scenes via our blog, NPR's On the Road Tumblr and Embedded podcast, plus view the full “Arctic Suicides” series at NPR.

2023 Update: Rebecca is a reporter for NPR's Climate Desk. You can follow her on Twitter @rhersher


2016-2017 Fellow: Stephanie Joyce


2014-2015 Fellow: Emma Jacobs